8 Tips for Promoting Videos on YouTube

8 Tips for Promoting Videos on YouTube

Mike Corte Insight, Digital, Branding 8 Tips For Promoting Videos On YouTube YouTube is one of the most useful tools for marketers. It’s quite natural on your part to think -why should I boost my YouTube video? What benefits would my company receive on this action?...
Why are Companies Coming to Captiv8 for Re-Branding?

Why are Companies Coming to Captiv8 for Re-Branding?

Mike Corte Branding Why Are Companies Coming To Captiv8 For Re-Branding? Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, large or small. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets. But what exactly does...
How to Repurpose Your Marketing Video for a Facebook Video Ad

How to Repurpose Your Marketing Video for a Facebook Video Ad

Mike Corte Insight How To Repurpose Your Marketing Video For A Facebook Video Ad If you’ve been thinking it might be time to create a new Facebook video ad and you already have some video content on your website, YouTube or social media, repurposing it can be a smart...