
Mike Corte

Insight, Digital

How To Use Facebook Retargeting To Create Qualified Leads Consistently

Whether you’ve been in business for 2 months or 20 years, consistently generating new leads is essential for generating sales and revenue. This is even more evident when you consider that 98% of first-time website visitors won’t purchase from you right away. That makes lead gen even more important because it helps you to build and establish a better relationship with prospective customers the moment they convert.

Facebook retargeting is one of the best ways to re-engage visitors who leave your site before converting by showing them a customized ad that convinces them to convert.


Whether you’ve been in business for 2 months or 20 years, consistently generating new leads is essential for generating sales and revenue. This is even more evident when you consider that 98% of first-time website visitors won’t purchase from you right away. That makes lead gen even more important because it helps you to build and establish a better relationship with prospective customers the moment they convert.

Facebook retargeting is one of the best ways to re-engage visitors who leave your site before converting by showing them a customized ad that convinces them to convert.

What is facebook retargeting?

Facebook retargeting is the process which brands implement the Facebook Pixel that automatically adds a cookie on your visitors’ browser after they’ve visited a particular page(s) on your site. Facebook identifies the cookie while prospects are on the platform and shows them a customized ad you’ve created just for them (more on this in step 3 below).

The end goal is to persuade them to click your personalized ad and visit your landing page to download a content resource, sign up for a trial, request a demo, etc.

Why retargeting on facebook?

With billions of daily active users, Facebook is one of the best platforms for retargeting. Make no mistake about it; your ideal customers exist on Facebook; it’s just a matter of targeting your ads appropriately so that your prospects see the ads to take action.

Another advantage of Facebook retargeting is that those ads can quickly grab the attention of your target audience since they’re displayed on the users’ Facebook Newsfeed. For that reason, people are less likely to ignore Facebook ads due to banner blindness, unlike Google display network ads.

Facebook also lets you reach your desired target audience with a high level of accuracy. For example, you can target your prospects by online engagement, offline activity, and more:

Now let’s take a look at the steps that help you create a lead generation machine with Facebook retargeting.

  • Step 1: Produce an enticing lead magnet that drives ad clicks
  • Step 2: Create a high-converting landing page
  • Step 3: Install Facebook pixel on your site
  • Step 4: Create compelling Facebook ads
  • Step 5: Squeeze more leads with onsite retargeting

Step 1: produce an enticing lead magnet that drives ad clicks

Your website visitors, even if they trust your brand, will be hesitant to share their personal information. But with a lead magnet you can persuade them to do just that. A lead magnet is a content resource your prospects find valuable enough to submit their email address to access it.

Some lead magnet ideas to consider creating for this step:

  • Ebook:Identify the common pain point of your customers and help them solve it by offering an ebook.
  • Email course:Repurpose your existing content and offer it as an email course.
  • Discount:This works best if you run an online shop and want to convert your first-time audience into leads and customers.

Step 2: create high-converting landing page

Collecting users’ information via your website is more difficult than using a landing page because websites are meant for a browsing experience and don’t focus on a single offer. Landing pages are highly-focused. That means landing pages can dedicate themselves to a particular lead magnet.

Unlike driving traffic to generic pages on your site (e.g. homepage), landing pages allow you to fine-tune the page by using the same message as your ads.

Step 3: install facebook pixel on your site

Continuing from the introduction, you’ll need to implement the Facebook Pixel on your site which adds the tracking cookie on your visitors’ browser. Once Facebook identifies the cookie, prospects are shown a customized ad you created just for them.

For instance, you can either target all your visitors on Facebook or target only those who’ve viewed specific pages like the pricing or products page. You can even target people who haven’t previously engaged with a specific campaign. That means you can show a customized ad promoting your lead generation campaign, specific to those people who haven’t already submitted their details on your site.

To install Facebook Pixel, go to Facebook Business Manager and navigate to the audiences section under Assets:

Step 4: create compelling facebook ads

The next requirement is to create a compelling retargeting ad that persuades users to click. In the ad, tell prospects exactly what they can expect once they click through to your landing page.

Easy Webinar demonstrates this with their ad below. The ad copy states there is a free PDF Download and video available once you click the ad:

Step 5: squeeze more leads with onsite retargeting

Traditional retargeting, including Facebook, is offsite retargeting because you retarget people after they leave your site.

What if you could get a second chance to convert your visitors into leads before they leave your site? Many visitors will visit websites without taking any action. You can convert an additional 2 – 4% of your visitors into leads and soon thereafter into paying customers.

Onsite retargeting is the second chance you get to convert your visitors into leads. With onsite retargeting, you can retarget abandoning visitors and prompt them with a popup message at the precise moment they’re about to leave your site.

This exit intent window is very effective at converting them before they go offsite.

Now it’s your turn

Facebook retargeting is often the most effective advertising method to help you maximize your online ROI. You can’t sit idly while 98% of your visitors abandon your site without converting. With Facebook retargeting, you can effectively segment the right audience and show a customized ad at the right time.

It may not always be easy, but with the right strategy, you can bring back your lost leads. Start by choosing the right lead magnet and creating an optimized post-click experience with the world’s first post-click optimization platform.

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